We are not paid to have fun. Artwork by my son, Lorant Farkas (9)

We are not paid to have fun

Executive summary: The key to motivating your knowledge workers is to provide them a context, the meaning for their efforts.   I remember a meeting I attended as an engineer quite a few years ago. We talked about a project that was stuck and due to some

Instead of talking about "work-life balance", we shall focus on bringing life back to the workplace.

Do not focus on “work-life balance”

Executive summary: Instead of "work-life balance", executives should focus on creating great places to work.     The expression "work-life balance" has always disturbed me. The subtle link it establishes between work and being dead is just demoralizing. It suggests to accept that work belongs to the dark


Is Scrum trivial?

Executive summary: "Many say that Scrum is simple and easy. But if you can't do it, it's not simple and easy." -- Jeff Sutherland   I've got quite a few nice quotes from Jeff Sutherland (here's an example), but this one is my personal favorite. It's the perfect illustration


Quote: Sutherland on convincing executives to go agile

"You don't need to convince executives to make their organizations agile. Let their competitors convince them!" -- Dr. Jeff Sutherland, Co-creator of Scrum, Founder of Scrum Inc.   I once asked Jeff Sutherland how he convinces executives that it's worth to turn their companies agile. This is